RHODE ISLAND - Eight down...
And so the final week of camp rolls around faster than a really fat person rolling down a steep hill. Or something. The wrist is still immobilised, which has continued to prove a challenge (note to makers of child proof caps for medicines: you're discriminating against people who can't use both their hands! And children who really wanna take drugs) but I've had two very excellent weeks:
1) Soccer Camp
... Was great. As predicted ominously some weeks ago, we only had six kids with which to experiment with the art which is football. So out went all the carefully designed full team drills and in came a lot of shooting practice and trying to arrange for other camps to play us. Our kids were, however, awesome and managed to demolish nine strong Waterskills Camp and, most impressivly, our reduced team of five then successfully took on sixteen person Hogan Camp (yes, another one. And, yes, I was very glad not to be directing *them* again...) before soundly thrashing Waterskills in a canoe race. Much credit belongs to my counselor partner in crime Emma Beckman (who, get this football irony fans, has a father called David) who on top of returning to counsel with me after the horrors of Hogan Camp is also a football player extrodinaire with a mighty right foot. We all had a lot of fun, and I was most gratified that Emma and I soundly thrashed all our kids in penalty shooting competitions. So what if they're all nine years old? I revel in small victories.
The wonderful Soccer Camp. How all good camps should be.
2) Living Arts camp
We followed up with Living Arts. A strange blend of tie dying, music, creative expression and glassy eyed puppets all served up with an incomprehensible schedule (Laura was driven to the very brink of insanity) However, for me the week meant the excitement of actually becoming a creative writing tutor for the week. My loyal band of devoted girls (and John) constructed many a clam and cheese obsessed excercise. And particular credit goes to the version of Pirates of the Carribean reconstituted as a self help book. That's the kind of randomness I thrive for. I also got scheduled to lead a session on improvisational comedy. Cue the 'Whose Line is it Anyway?' playbook of games and a thoroughly entertaining hour of Party Quirks, Questions Only and Press Conference. You've never realised the joy of teaching until you're getting nine year olds to improvise pretending to be the first man ever to give birth, or the first woman to have surgery to become an elephant.
Creative writing Camp Aldersgate style, and not a beret in sight. Eat your heart out, Paul Magrs.
So next week I depart ickle Rhode Island and discover the joys of Cincinatti, California and North Carolina. It's been a pleasure to be here and an awesome camp, but it feels time for me to be able to eat a meal without being forced to sing songs afterwards, and reincoporate swear words back into my vocabulary. So, watch out America. I'm coming to get ya...
A couple of the more spectacular sunsets over Camp Aldersgate this summer.
Glad to hear your last few weeks have gone so swimmingly. I was beginning to worry you had died in some horrid, though suitiably ironic, fashion. (Like being kicked to death on the pitch by a band of kids on sugar-highs who had mistaken your slowly balding dome for a football.)
Right, so that was not nearly as funny as the image in my head makes it out to be. I got your message on my mobile and yes if you wished to arrive in North Carolina from the first till the fifth september that would be splended! We can sort out the details through a series of emails that I will keep reminding myself to write and not ever get around to it.
Oh, and as for the inability to use your right hand, I have been a lefty for years and can likely give you a few pointers.
yeah, when you're at camp, it's hard to live without the occasional swear every so often. Living Arts was a great time, despite the ugly breakup of me and Jon, but thank you for delivering the notes during FOB, you rock like that. plus you can't forget about me giving birth to 15 children (lol) or my lovely talent at clowning. plus, that dance was awsome, along with everyone there getting "party-boyed".
Rhode Island will miss you, along with the special people in it who you touched (wow, that was an ill-tasted Michael Jackson joke). i hope you have fun in whatever you do, i will read your blog religiously!
good luck
Glad you liked the box. And it's spelled C-i-n, c-i-n-n, a-t-i. Get it straight or you won't wind up in the right city. ;-) Hey, someone's got to make fun of you.
We still need to work out when you're coming and how. Hmm. By bus would take you forever, but would (probably) be much cheaper than flying. Unless you find some insane deal. Sorry I was at work last time you called; we'll sort it out somehow. Is there a good time for me to call? Drop me a line.
If you've had any Viktorian thoughts and jotted them down in the last several weeks, I've got a computer you can have an extended relationship with. By the way, do you miss England yet? Because I've just found a little tea shop, a rare commodity in the States, and I don't have many friends that can appreciate it.
hey phil
it was nice meeting you at camp while i counseled the elem. girls for living arts!! my campers adored you! i am glad that you were having so much fun lol keep in touch and i wish you well
our creative writing group was amazing and you know you've never seen better romance come from clams.
anyways i hope you're doing well and i hope you come back next summer for more writings about bellybuttons, clams, and true love.
Hello, just about managed to overcome my computer illiteracy and get a post on here. Sorry for being rubbish. Very happy you're having a good time out there!
Glad the delightful little ones are providing so much entertainment and sporting success for you. Only one more week and then you can sit back and wait for one of them to get published and dedicate their book to you (or something).
Hope the wrist is all sorting itself out nicely, and I heard some rumour of some gross bug thing that bit you?? Leave you alone I say, bloody Americans.
Haven't yet got my hands on Harry Potter, without you here to borrow a copy from I'm floundering a bit, but a friend has just finished it so shouldn't be long now - hoorah. I'm afraid I don't have 7 long pages to fill, my life just isn't that interesting, but in short
a) went to manchester to find accomodation and found instead a world or random housemates that was just too wierd, so plumping for halls instead. feels like coming full circle after two years out of halls, but you can't better having a cleaning lady!
b) still waiting on the oxford decision, hopes of funding receding by the day, but we shall see (how long has this been going on for?!)
c) am just finishing captain correlli's mandolin - why did I not read it before??
d) have just discovered I have no money to finance three weeks in croatia. Seriously think bank account has tapeworm.
Also - horrible mugshot appeared in dining room of me in graduation robes and hair badly needing a brush. Ugh.
So now you see, life with the kiddies couldn't possibly be beating this level of excitement! Enjoy your last few days at camp and look forward to navigating the US. Is a programme on about the trailer trash area Britney grew up in (Texas?), and how she is really trailer trash. You should go there if you can!
Lots of love
Jude (Little sis)
Hey Phil~
I got home and got your letter! it made me smile because i was a bit sad after leaving camp. Hope you are enjoying you trip of America.Lucky me gets to go to work tomorrow bright and early lol. But ya we definately schooled our nine year old campers in the shooting! Our soccer camp was pritty awsome we had a good group.(and even if we hadn't no one could ruin soccer!) Thank God because our hogans were interesting to be nice. Its hard to believe summer is over just like that.(well not for u because u have your year long extravaganda) but anyway HAVE FUN! Keep in toch and let me know how you are and how your travels are going once u get a spare min and sort out your e-mail.
your favorite volinteer counceler ; )
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