Phil's Phworld: Rough Guide to the backside of nowhere

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Rough Guide to the backside of nowhere

I was amazed today to find there is actually a Rough Guide for everything. Russia, Syria, the Agean Sea, The DaVinci Code, experimental Dentistry... They're all there. And they're all huge. Does it give us a sense of security to travel around the countries of the world with these overly weighty tomes? Pausing in the middle of our Indian carpet transaction to flick through its mighty, Bible paper pages to assure ourselves that we're not getting ripped off. Not taking that first step along the scary darkened street ahead until we're assured that a Rathaus really isn't as scary as it sounds? And at £14.99 a pop because they're all so darn massive?!

Yes, we do. And so do I. Because I really like Rough Guides. Especially the USA and Australia ones I found for £1.50 each in Oxfam... Speaking of which, is there a Rough Guide to Charity Shop Shopping out there?


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